Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a unique martial art and combat sport that demonstrates you don’t need to be bigger or stronger than your opponent to take them down effectively. With the right technique, leverage, joint locks, and chokeholds, you can defend yourself against even the biggest opponents.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu History
There is often confusion in the martial arts community about BJJ and how it differs from the ground fighting moves of judo. In fact, Brazilian jiu-jitsu was built on the ground fighting fundamentals of Kodokan judo. In 1909, the Japanese-born martial artist Geo Omori opened the first judo/jiu-jitsu school in Brazil, teaching and mentoring individuals such as Luiz França, who would start a prominent lineage of BJJ led by Oswaldo Fadda. This BJJ lineage is characterized by the clever and effective use of footlocks and still exists today through academies such asNova União and the Grappling Fight Team.

Another lineage of Brazilian jiu-jitsu began with judo demonstrations by Mitsuyo (Otávio) Maeda, which inspired the Gracie brothers, Carlos and Hélio, to learn judo and develop it into a softer and more pragmatic martial art that focuses on ground fighting. The result is the most commonly known form of Brazilian jiu-jitsu that we see today.

Famous Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Fighters
Today, famous Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighters include middleweights Marcelo Garcia and Ronaldo ‘Jacaré’ Souza, and heavyweights Alexandre Ribeiro and André Galvão. The king of ultra-heavyweights remains Roger Gracie, who became the first man to achieve three gold medals at the BJJ open-weight division, finishing all his opponents in the prestigious ADCC tournament.

The Best BJJ Equipment
If you’re on your way to becoming the next champion in grappling and submission wrestling, Ben Sports can provide you with the gear you need. From durable gis and kimonos to training shorts, rash guards, and belts, we offer great value BJJ equipment at the best prices on the market.