At Ben Sports, we offer an expanding collection of Kuk Sool Won clothing, belts, and training aids suitable for practitioners of all ages, grades, and style preferences. Our equipment is designed for body conditioning, fighting techniques, and traditional weapons training, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner.

Kuk Sool Won is a systematic study of all traditional fighting arts that comprise the Martial Arts history of Korea. It integrates the entire scale of established Asian fighting arts, focusing not only on methods of attack and defense but also on the study of healing techniques and the development of internal power, in addition to physical training.

Elements of Kuk Sool Won include hand techniques, leg techniques, throws and grappling, joint lock techniques, falling and acrobatics, body conditioning, and traditional Korean weapons.

Although Kuk Sool Won as it is practiced today is relatively new, the history of Korean Martial Arts can be traced back to the prehistoric era when primitive weapons made of wood and stone were used for hunting and fighting.

At Ben Sports, we are committed to providing high-quality Kuk Sool Won equipment and gear to support your training and help you reach your full potential as a practitioner. Browse our collection today and find the right clothing, belts, and training aids to enhance your Kuk Sool Won practice.

  • Bags & Holdalls

    Bags & Holdalls (2)

    At Ben Sports, we offer a large selection of Kuk Sool Won bags and holdalls designed to transport and store your gear safely. Our bags and holdalls are available in a variety of sizes and shapes to hold your suit and training aids and are perfect for transporting gear to and from the club. Our bags are made from high-quality…
  • Belts

    Belts (5)

    we offer a comprehensive selection of Kuk Sool Won belts in all grading colors and a variety of sizes suitable for practitioners of every rank and age. Our belts are designed to complement your uniform and complete your training kit. The Kuk Sool Won belt system is structured to reflect the progression of a practitioner's skills and knowledge. To advance to Black Belt,…
  • Doboks & Suits

    Doboks & Suits (10)

    Our collection of Kuk Sool Won suits, trousers, and tops are designed to be lightweight and durable, allowing you to perform the complete spectrum of Martial Art techniques with ease. We offer a range of sizes, styles, and designs suitable for practitioners of all ages and preferences. Reflecting the traditions and culture of Korea, the birthplace of Kuk Sool Won,…
  • Weapons and Training Aids

    Weapons and Training Aids (2)

    At ben  sports , we offer a vast selection of Kuk Sool Won training aids available in various shapes and sizes. These training aids can be used to simulate attacks or threats, but it's important to note that all Martial Arts equipment, including training aids, should primarily be used for defense and protection. Please note that to purchase Martial Arts…